International Rescue Instructors Association Policy: #IRIA-TCAOP
The International Rescue Instructors Association (IRIA) training contract agreement and obligation policy is for understanding and comprehension of the duties, roles and responsibilities of instructors who enter into agreement and obligations with their role as an instructor, coach or guide; regarding associations, companies or training course providers.
IRIA is vested in professional development and the role of service providers reputation.
Company and Instructor responsibilities begin with the contract phase that lays out determined agreements between both parties that define the relationship, duties, roles and responsibilities.
This includes violations, termination or end of contract obligations and may include other clauses.
An authorized provider is a company or individual that signs an agreement permitting training, products or services to be provided/produced within a company or by a third-party instructor using the resources and materials explained in the contract agreement under license to the licensee or representative party.
Terms and conditions of a training qualification have specific agreements and obligations on behalf of the certificate holder.
These qualification terms are determined values of contract of service performance, representation of standards and contain obligations of conformity, records and safety practices.
Likeminded reciprocity of agreements is also determined by the distribution of a course completion ‘certificate’ issued by a qualified instructor.
Consider a certification a contract agreement between an instructor-service provider and a student who has successfully completed all phases of course instruction and is subsequently awarded a certificate for a specified period of time and under a specific category, framework, or level of skill.
These certifications fall under the categories of understanding, participation, completion and performance.
Likewise, instructor certification compliance agreements fall under similar obligations based on their level and hours of the related skill, performance, knowledge base and presentation of training.
Termination of instructor status can be attributed due to injury or illness, retirement, violations of practice or conformity, academic dishonesty, fraud, counterfeit, safety or accident assessments or leaving the field.
Association Membership affiliation also has applicable rules, agreements, codes, policies and responsibilities.
Enforcement of these contract agreement and obligations is the reciprocity of the standard and duty of care for
Contract law and legal agreements.
These are directed at the consent of all involved parties to define restrictions and specifications of the terms and conditions in the scope of a business contract or certification.
There may be applicable fees, penalties and payment terms, restrictions and conditions.
These written promises are provided by business entities to refrain from specific actions as defined by the documents.
When both parties agree on the obligations and terms of the agreements, a contract is legally binding under the region, nation or law of the land and may not be limited to Admiralty and Maritime law or International Law of the Sea.
The agreement becomes a surety of that covenant per both of the signatory parties.
Terminating or coming to the end of the contract life of the agreement may have specified clauses of these actions that are enforceable by law if violated.
Some service provision contracts may be termed: Non-Competition Agreement, covenant not to compete, Non-Compete Agreement, or release and waiver of liability. They are designed to prevent specific actions of the Companies interests.
This is to restrict the agreement holder from working, selling or creating industry products, or services, or engage in any other way representation of any other business of a similar nature per the business of the company without expressed written consent.
And not limited to; engage with the providing Company clients or solicit their clients for the benefit of a third party that is engaged in similar business to that of the Company under specific criteria for a determined amount of time and restrictions.
And to protect sensitive information about an entity or to compete with creating a ‘like’ business in the future set forth by the agreement terms.
These types of documents can prohibit an individual from working in the same field due to ‘trade secrets’ or ‘intellectual property’ that are passed on by the contract bearer for a predetermined amount of time.
There are a variety of agreement types, such as independent contractor, employee and release of non-compete agreement to name a few.
If a business (profession, trade) non-compete clause is blatantly breached, legal notices from these businesses or organizations can be sent that may be enforceable by Federal, State or Local laws with penalties applied or country of origin laws.
The international water safety and rescue society is reliant on the representation of ethical, professional and credible representatives who honor agreements and enforce academic honesty.
The International Rescue Instructors Association does not set, suggest or determine the public or private tuition or sale fees of IRIA approved instructors or course providers. Nor does it engage in financial disputes regarding fees for training, students, equipment, or courses.
All IRIA membership parties are responsible for representing their sole company or agency pricing, collection of fees, refunds, exchanges, cancellations and required business and insurance needs. IRIA does not supply insurance to its membership.
The International Rescue Instructors Association (IRIA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to instructor and course accreditation for conformity and compliance to service providers.
The IRIA demands the highest ethical performance by all course providers, instructors and staff.
Agreements between parties are performed by but not limited to:
- Companies
- Associations
- Membership
- Instructor
- Student Candidate
- Agency-government
Review your contract obligations, seek legal counsel, understand your responsibilities and termination or expiration requirements. Your duties, roles and functions under contract are not to be taken lightly.
They can have positive and negative influences not only for you the individual, but for a society, clients and reputation of all involved.
Please refer to a contract lawyer for the specifics of your contracting; expiration, breach, or termination.
Contract: a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties, a business arrangement for the supply of goods or services at a fixed price
Obligation: something (such as a formal contract, a promise, or the demands of conscience or custom) that obligates one to a course of action
Responsibility: the quality or state of being responsible: such as: moral, legal, or mental accountability
Blacks Law Dictionary; 11th Edition Deluxe
Contract-An Agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that are enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law
Copyright-The right to copy; specifically, a property right in an original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, giving the holder the exclusive right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, and display the work. Copyright law is governed by the Copyright Act of 1967.