Be Safe and Be Well

IRIA Safety Wellness

April 1, 2020


Coronavirus Update Pandemic

Hello Colleagues,

It has been nearly a century that the world has faced such a health disaster.  We would like to extend our sincerest condolences to the first responders and health care providers who have lost their lives to this viral pandemic.  Their calling is noble and their loss significant. Our condolences to their surviving loved ones.

Like many in our field, we respect the quarantine and the challenges that are being faced.  We recognize that training programs are postponed and agree with this measure for public safety.

As we quarantine we will be closed and re-open for future business when the all clear sign is given.

Until then, we wish you all Godspeed, safety and the best of health.  Stay steady and endure. We will all return stronger and ready to serve.

Best to all